目 录
摘要 I
1 前言 1
1.1 课题研究背景 1
1.2课题研究现状 1
1.3课题研究目的 2
1.4课题研究内容 2
2 相关技术介绍 4
2.1 开发工具简介 4
2.1.1 网页开发工具 4
2.1.2 系统开发工具 4
2.1.3数据库及其工具 4
2.2 开发技术介绍 5
2.3 软件/硬件要求 7
2.4 本章小结 7
3 需求分析 8
3.1业务流程概述 8
3.2前端需求分析 9
3.2.1 首页展示 9
3.2.2 商品列表 9
3.2.3产品相册列表 11
3.2.4产品服务列表 11
3.2.5用户登录 13
3.2.6用户在线下单 14
3.2.7用户订单信息查看 14
3.3后台需求分析 15
3.3.1管理员登录注销 15
3.3.2注册用户管理 16
3.3.3角色管理 16
3.3.4产品管理 17
3.3.5订单管理 18
3.3.6咨询反馈管理 19
3.4交互的实现 20
3.4.1客户端与服务器的交互 20
3.4.2 微信服务器与系统的交互 20
3.5本章小结 21
4 系统设计 22
4.1系统数据库设计 22
4.1.1 ER图设计 22
4.1.2系统表设计 23
4.2系统分层设计 26
4.2.1模型层设计(model) 27
4.2.2视图层设计(view) 27
4.2.3控制层设计(control) 28
4.3系统模块详细设计 29
4.3.1系统模块基本设计 29
4.3.2产品管理模块 30
4.3.3订单管理模块 33
4.3.4用户管理模块 38
4.3.5角色管理模块 40
4.3.6咨询反馈管理模块 42
4.4本章小结 44
5 系统实现 45
5.1系统前端实现 45
5.2系统后台实现 56
5.3本章小结 64
6 总结与展望 65
6.1项目总结 65
6.2项目展望 65
参考文献 67
致谢 68
微信,作为一款跨平台即时聊天工具,在短短几年的时间内凝聚了大批用户群体。现如今,微信俨然已经成人们的生活方式,因此,基于微信的应用如雨后春笋般飞速而生。开发者或商家可以在微信公众平台上申请应用账号即微信公众号,该帐号与QQ账号是相通的,通过公众号,商家可在微信平台上实现和特定群体的文字、图片、语音、视频的全方位沟通、互动 ,形成一种主流的线上线下微信互动营销方式。与传统app相比,在客户层面,基于微信关注的应用方便很多,用户不必下载安装,只需关注即可方便使用各项功能。在商家公司层面,基于微信关注的应用开发维护成本降低很多,安全性高,而且营销推广与传统方式相比成本更低,更加便捷,商家公司可定期给用户推送相关信息,还可与顾客进行互动,大大提高了用户粘度。
WeChat, as a cross-platform and instant-messaging tool, gathering a large number of users in the last few couple of years. Nowadays, WeChat has already been part of people’s lives and thus applications that based on WeChat have been developed out amazing quickly. WeChat Official Accounts are accounts that developers or companies apply for in WeChat Public Platform, that is, connected to QQ accounts, enterprises can implement communication through texts, images, voices and videos with specific users. This brings a mainstream interactive marketing approach either by online or offline. Compared to traditional App, WeChat basedapplications are way more convenient if we look at this from the view of customers; that is, for users, there’s no need to download and install such that they only need to subscribe and then they could conveniently enjoy every feature. From the view of developers, the cost of development, maintenance will be reduced a lot, the security is higher and compared to traditional marketing, this WeChat based approach is more convenient and reduces a lot of cost; developers and companies could push information to users and interact with them regularly, which greatly improves connection between companies and customers .
Online ordering system based on WeChat described in this paper. In the customer level to achieve the customer browsing information, online ordering, samples of the first scheduled, interactive feedback, view order information and other functions whenever and wherever possible. Customer focus public platform for the first time into account application can choose with WeChat account to bind, and then each time after entering the application without re login, you can use the relevant function. Commodity management, information dissemination, data statistics, order processing, also can realize the separation of roles, the role is to separate the system administrator according to different permissions for different roles.
Keywords: WeChat, WeChat, WeChat public platform, application, ordering